Expansion Slots Meaning

Some expansion cards take up more than one slot space. For example, many graphics cards on the market as of 2010 are dual slot graphics cards, using the second slot as a place to put an active heat sink with a fan. Some cards are 'low-profile' cards, meaning that they are shorter than standard cards and will fit in a lower height computer chassis. An expansion slot refers to any of the slots on a motherboard that can hold an expansion card to expand the computer's functionality, like a video card, network card, or sound card. The expansion card is plugged directly into the expansion port so that the motherboard has direct access to the hardware. Most people chose this as the best definition of expansion-slots: Plural form of expansion. See the dictionary meaning, pronunciation, and sentence examples.

  1. Expansion Slots Meaning In Urdu
  2. Expansion Slots Meaning One
  3. Expansion Slots Meaning In Tamil
  4. Pci Expansion Slots 32-bit

Alternatively known as a bus slot or expansion port, an expansion slot is a connection or port inside a computer on the motherboard or riser card. It provides an installation point for a hardware expansion card to be connected. For example, if you wanted to install a new video card in the computer, you'd purchase a video expansion card and install that card into the compatible expansion slot.

Computer expansion slots

Below is a listing of expansion slots commonly found in a computer and the devices associated with those slots. Clicking on any of the links below provide you with additional details.

  • AGP - Video card.
  • AMR - Modem, sound card.
  • CNR - Modem, network card, sound card.
  • EISA - SCSI, network card, video card.
  • ISA - Network card, sound card, video card.
  • PCI - Network card, SCSI, sound card, video card.
  • PCI Express - Video card, modem, sound card, network card.
  • VESA - Video card.

Many of the above expansion card slots are obsolete. You're most likely only going to encounter AGP, PCI, and PCI Express when working with computers today. In the picture below is an example of what expansion slots may look like on a motherboard. In this picture, there are three different types of expansion slots: PCI Express, PCI, and AGP.

The other modern expansion slots like PCIe (PCI Express) are used to provide different pathways to the system bus. The below figure shows different kinds of expansion slots and their sizes and names. Define expansion slots. Expansion slots synonyms, expansion slots pronunciation, expansion slots translation, English dictionary definition of expansion slots. A long narrow socket in a computer into which an expansion card can be inserted.

How many expansion slots does my computer have?


Every computer motherboard is different, to determine how many expansion slots are on your computer motherboard identify the manufacturer and model of the motherboard. Once you've identified the model of motherboard, you can find complete information about the motherboard in its manual.

Adding additional expansion slots for older motherboards could be accomplished by using a riser board, which would add several ISA or PCI slots. Today, riser boards are rarely used with motherboards, as there is limited need for additional expansion slots with modern motherboards.

What type of expansion slots are on my motherboard?

As mentioned above, every motherboard model is unique, so to determine the type of expansion slots on the motherboard, consult the board's specifications and owner's manual. You can also open the computer case and visually examine the motherboard.

Why do computers have expansion slots?

Computers have expansion slots to give the user the ability to add new devices to their computer. For example, a computer gamer may upgrade their video card to get better performance in their games. An expansion slot allows them to remove the old video card and add a new video card without replacing the motherboard.

Expansion slots meaning oneExpansion slots meaning computer

What is the most common expansion slot today?

Today, the most commonly used expansion slot used and found on computer motherboards is the PCI Express expansion slot.

Does a laptop have an expansion slot?

Laptops do not have expansion slots like a desktop computer. However, some laptops do have PC Cards that can be inserted into the side of the laptop. They may also have a Cardbus slot for an ExpressCard to be added.

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An expansion slot is a laser-cut slot on the blade plate designed to disperse heat and prevent blade deformation caused by overheating. The process of cutting, even under ideal circumstances, involves a lot of friction. While the teeth of the blade are removing material, they are also rubbing against the sides of the kerf and the tip of the tooth rubs against the material in the path of the cut. This friction can generate an amazing amount of heat, enough to singe the wood and even warp the saw blade. The saw blade is quite hot even after cutting; you can easily get burned if you just tap it with your hand for a second when trying to unmount it off the circular saw. The best way to avoid burns is to leave blade running for a minute or two after cutting. However, this does not solve the problem with overheating.

High Temperature and Warping

As the temperature of metal increases, it tends to expand, obeying the laws of thermodynamics. However, the temperature of the blade will normally not be consistent across the whole area of the plate, forcing it to expand unevenly. Generally speaking, the plate of the blade gets hotter than the teeth, although the teeth are experiencing the majority of the friction. Even though the teeth have the most friction, they are also are cooled the most by air movement. So, as the plate expands, it needs somewhere to go. Since the outer edge of the plate, where the teeth are attached is not as hot, it isn’t expanding as much. Most saw blades have coated teeth, meaning the outer edge is even more solid. That leaves only one direction for the plate to expand, deforming towards the side. This is what causes warping.

Expansion Slots Meaning In Urdu

Laser-cut Slots

Warped saw blades become garbage, so it is helpful to be able to prevent them from expanding unevenly, to avoid the risk of warping. One way in which this is done is to use denser alloys in the blade plate. Another is by laser cut slots periodically through the blade plate. Engineers thought of this idea to allow the expansion of the saw blade “inside” itself. Although these slots look like they are done for artistic purposes, they aren’t; they are there so that they can absorb the expansion of the metal, preventing blade warping.

Against Vibrations

Expansion Slots Meaning One

The blade rotation simultaneously means airflow through the laser-cut plate, which cools it rapidly. That’s one benefit of laser-cut slots; they serve as the ventilation slots. If the blade is so hot after you finish the job, imagine what happens during the operation, at the moment when blade slices through the lumber or plastics! These expansion slots also play a part in reducing blade vibration. With many blade designs, the ends of the expansion slots are connected to holes in the center of a saw blade, positioned towards the arbor. These rounded holes are there to reduce vibration. At times, anti-vibration holes are filled with a softer metal, such as copper or brass inserts, which also helps to suppress the vibration of the blade by distributing shock over the entire plate. Such copper plugs inserted at the end of an expansion slot also reduce the noise and help to dissipate heat, extending the life of a saw blade. Vibration is a problem in saw blades, because it, along with warping, are what cause the curved cut marks you see in a freshly cut piece of wood. By reducing vibration and the risk of warping, a blade will run truer, with one tooth faithfully following the path created by the other. That ultimately results in a smoother finish, with less visible tool marking (those curved cut marks).

Expansion Slots Meaning In Tamil

Heat Cautions

Pci Expansion Slots 32-bit

Expansion slots meaning in urdu

When handling saw blades, especially immediately after cutting, be extremely careful of heat. It is not uncommon for blades to become hot enough to burn your fingers. However, blades which are left running after the cut cook quickly; acting as their own ventilator. The expansion slots help with this, acting much like small fan blades to force the air to move. An ability to resist shocks, lower cooling time, less noise and power consumption are just some of the advantages.