Fishing Illegal Gambling

Gambling does not include fishing derbies as defined by this chapter, parimutuel betting and handicapping contests as authorized by chapter 67.16 RCW, bona fide business transactions valid under the law of contracts, including, but not limited to, contracts for the purchase or sale at a future date of securities or commodities, and agreements. Illegal dens have no such standards. Such machines in a Chuck E. Cheese might even be seen as recruiting kids into gambling addiction. The better payout being more illegal actually makes sense because it is the better payout, particularly in the same currency you can buy in for, which makes the game attractive to a potential gambling addict. I can tell you my experience, I claimed fishing expenses from 1978 to the mid-nineties when I was fishing and occasionally winning a little money but enough that taxes on it would have stung. I was using an accounting firm and only got audited one time and that was when they were auditing commercial fishermen and I got caught up in that. Illegal gambling rings will need to have enough financial backing to cover the bets placed by all customers. It is usually a case of having enough funds to cover 2-3 months of straight losses on. Although gambling is illegal in mainland China, Macau is a gambling haven. 50% of Macau’s revenue is made up from gambling alone. In 2018 the city made almost $38 billion.

Fishing Illegal Gambling Sites

Sea trouts caught near Galterö island, the Gothenburg archipelago

Fishing illegal gambling winnings

The summer has been wonderful here on the Swedish west coast. I have spent much time at sea, boating and fishing. The photo shows two seatrouts that I caught.

Fishing Illegal Gambling Games

Fishing illegal gambling sites

Fishing and gambling have similarities, especially if you consider bait casting (spinning) in relation to repetitive forms of gambling, such as slot machines. Some of the similarities are the following.

  • You repeat the same maneuver again and again, in the hope of getting something of value.
  • The activity is relaxing and exciting at the same time.
  • You easily forget time and fish/gamble longer than you intended.
  • You sometimes get “near wins” that reinforce behavior (one reel symbol slightly out of place for a jackpot; bites and nibbles of fish that does not get hooked).
  • Success may be a mixture of skill and chance, and it is difficult to tell the two apart (was my choice of bait successful or was it just luck that I caught a big fish?).
  • The few big successes that occur are very memorable while all the times when nothing is caught/won are easily forgotten.
  • Magical rituals are common (wearing a “lucky” cap, spitting on the lure, etcetera).

It is not surprising that some people who wish to stop gambling excessively find sport fishing to be a good substitution leisure activity. When fishing, they only risk losing time, not money (although sport fishing gear may cost a bit and fishermen may get the idea that better gear would make fishing more successful).

Fishing illegal gambling winnings

There are people, however, who have problems controlling the extent of their sport fishing and who perceive it as a kind of addiction. For example, take a look at this discussion forum and read this sad story about excessive fishing.

Now summer is over and I might get a few more fishing days before it is time to lay up the boat for the winter. I will work with various assignments relating to gambling research and write academic articles.