What Army Regulation Covers Gambling

  1. What Army Regulation Covers Gambling Stocks
What Army Regulation Covers Gambling

Appropriate gift acceptance authorities may accept unsolicited gifts and donations made to the Army intended for FRG support; these donations will be added to the garrison's FRG supplemental mission account, pursuant to paragraph 3-2 a of this regulation and AR 215-1 after consultation with an ethics counselor.

If you face a possible military case, you may need to know which punitive articles of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (U.C.M.J.) apply. We provide you a list.

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Punitive U.C.M.J. Articles

U.C.M.J. Article 77: Principals
U.C.M.J. Article 78: Accessory after the fact
U.C.M.J. Article 79: Conviction of lesser included offense
U.C.M.J. Article 80: Attempts
U.C.M.J. Article 81: Conspiracy
U.C.M.J. Article 82: Solicitation
U.C.M.J. Article 83: Fraudulent enlistment, appointment, or separation
U.C.M.J. Article 84: Unlawful enlistment, appointment, or separation
U.C.M.J. Article 85: Desertion
U.C.M.J. Article 86: Absence without leave
U.C.M.J. Article 87: Missing movement
U.C.M.J. Article 88: Contempt toward officials
U.C.M.J. Article 89: Disrespect toward superior commissioned officer
U.C.M.J. Article 90: Assaulting or willfully disobeying superior commissioned officer
U.C.M.J. Article 91: Insubordinate conduct toward warrant officer, noncommissioned officer, or petty officer
U.C.M.J. Article 92: Failure to obey order or regulation
U.C.M.J. Article 93: Cruelty and maltreatment
U.C.M.J. Article 94: Mutiny or sedition
U.C.M.J. Article 95: Resistance, flight, breach of arrest, and escape
U.C.M.J. Article 96: Releasing prisoner without proper authority
U.C.M.J. Article 97: Unlawful detention
U.C.M.J. Article 98: Noncompliance with procedural rules
U.C.M.J. Article 99: Misbehavior before the enemy
U.C.M.J. Article 100: Subordinate compelling surrender
U.C.M.J. Article 101: Improper use of countersign
U.C.M.J. Article 102: Forcing a safeguard
U.C.M.J. Article 103: Captured or abandoned property
U.C.M.J. Article 104: Aiding the enemy
U.C.M.J. Article 105: Misconduct as prisoner
U.C.M.J. Article 106: Spies
U.C.M.J. Article 106a: Espionage
U.C.M.J. Article 107: False official statements
U.C.M.J. Article 108: Military property of United States – Loss, damage, destruction, or wrongful disposition
U.C.M.J. Article 109: Property other than military property of United States – waste, spoilage, or destruction
U.C.M.J. Article 110: Improper hazarding of vessel
U.C.M.J. Article 111: Drunken or reckless operation of a vehicle, aircraft, or vessel
U.C.M.J. Article 112: Drunk on duty
U.C.M.J. Article 112a: Wrongful use, possession, etc., of controlled substances
U.C.M.J. Article 113: Misbehavior of sentinel
U.C.M.J. Article 114: Dueling
U.C.M.J. Article 115: Malingering
U.C.M.J. Article 116: Riot or breach of peace
U.C.M.J. Article 117: Provoking speeches or gestures
U.C.M.J. Article 118: Murder
U.C.M.J. Article 119: Manslaughter
U.C.M.J. Article 119a: Death or injury of an unborn child
U.C.M.J. Article 120: Rape, sexual assault, and other sexual misconduct
U.C.M.J. Article 120a: Stalking
U.C.M.J. Article 121: Larceny and wrongful appropriation
U.C.M.J. Article 122: Robbery
U.C.M.J. Article 123: Forgery
U.C.M.J. Article 123a: Making, drawing, or uttering check, draft, or order without sufficient funds
U.C.M.J. Article 124: Maiming
U.C.M.J. Article 125: Sodomy
U.C.M.J. Article 126: Arson
U.C.M.J. Article 127: Extortion
U.C.M.J. Article 128: Assault
U.C.M.J. Article 129: Burglary
U.C.M.J. Article 130: Housebreaking
U.C.M.J. Article 131: Perjury
U.C.M.J. Article 132: Frauds against the United States
U.C.M.J. Article 133: Conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman

What Army Regulation Covers Gambling Stocks

U.C.M.J. Article 134: General article, includes:
Abusing public animal (U.C.M.J. Article 134)
Adultery (U.C.M.J. Article 134)
Assault with intent to commit murder, voluntary manslaughter, rape, robbery, sodomy, arson, burglary, or housebreaking (U.C.M.J. Article 134)
Bigamy (U.C.M.J. Article 134)
Bribery or graft (U.C.M.J. Article 134)
Burning with intent to defraud (U.C.M.J. Article 134)
Check, worthless, making and uttering – by dishonorably failing to maintain funds (U.C.M.J. Article 134)
Child endangerment (U.C.M.J. Article 134)
Cohabitation, wrongful (U.C.M.J. Article 134)
Correctional custody – offenses against (U.C.M.J. Article 134)
Debt, dishonorably failing to pay (U.C.M.J. Article 134)
Disloyal statements (U.C.M.J. Article 134)
Disorderly conduct, drunkenness (U.C.M.J. Article 134)
Drinking liquor with prisoner (U.C.M.J. Article 134)
Drunk prisoner (U.C.M.J. Article 134)
Drunkenness – incapacitation for performance of duties through prior wrongful indulgence in intoxicating liquor or any drug (U.C.M.J. Article 134)
False or unauthorized pass offenses (U.C.M.J. Article 134)
False pretenses, obtaining services under (U.C.M.J. Article 134)
False swearing (U.C.M.J. Article 134)
Firearm, discharging – through negligence (U.C.M.J. Article 134)
Firearm, discharging – willfully, under such circumstances as to endanger human life (U.C.M.J. Article 134)
Fleeing scene of accident (U.C.M.J. Article 134)
Fraternization (U.C.M.J. Article 134)
Gambling with subordinate (U.C.M.J. Article 134)
Homicide, negligent (U.C.M.J. Article 134)
Impersonating a commissioned, warrant, noncommissioned, or petty officer, or an agent or official (U.C.M.J. Article 134)
Indecent language (U.C.M.J. Article 134)
Jumping from vessel into the water (U.C.M.J. Article 134)
Kidnapping (U.C.M.J. Article 134)
Mail: taking, opening, secreting, destroying, or stealing (U.C.M.J. Article 134)
Mails: depositing or causing to be deposited obscene matters in (U.C.M.J. Article 134)
Misprision of serious offense (U.C.M.J. Article 134)
Obstructing justice (U.C.M.J. Article 134)
Wrongful interference with an adverse administrative proceeding (U.C.M.J. Article 134)
Pandering and prostitution (U.C.M.J. Article 134)
Parole, violation of (U.C.M.J. Article 134)
Perjury: subornation of (U.C.M.J. Article 134)
Public record: altering, concealing, removing, mutilating, obliterating, or destroying (U.C.M.J. Article 134)
Quarantine: medical, breaking (U.C.M.J. Article 134)
Reckless endangerment (U.C.M.J. Article 134)
Restriction, breaking (U.C.M.J. Article 134)
Seizure: destruction, removal, or disposal of property to prevent (U.C.M.J. Article 134)
Self-injury without intent to avoid service (U.C.M.J. Article 134)
Sentinel or lookout: offenses against or by (U.C.M.J. Article 134)
Soliciting another to commit an offense (U.C.M.J. Article 134)
Stolen property: knowingly receiving, buying, concealing (U.C.M.J. Article 134)
Straggling (U.C.M.J. Article 134)
Testify: wrongful refusal (U.C.M.J. Article 134)
Threat or hoax designed or intended to cause panic or public fear (U.C.M.J. Article 134)
Threat, communicating (U.C.M.J. Article 134)
Unlawful entry (U.C.M.J. Article 134)
Weapon: concealed, carrying (U.C.M.J. Article 134)
Wearing unauthorized insignia, decoration, badge, ribbon, device, or lapel button (U.C.M.J. Article 134)